Alan Strickland
Alan Strickland has worked as a freelance technical writer following a long ‘dirty hands’ career as an engineer and technician in British and Australian industry. Originally from Carlisle in the north of England he is married, has two adult daughters and a dog and lives in the foothills of Adelaide, South Australia.
Amongst his interests are renewable energy, ecosystems and sustainable living.
Alan is a public speaking tutor and is currently training to become a professional counsellor. He’s always had a fascination with psychology and an understanding as to what makes people ‘tick’ – why we are as we are. His aim as a counsellor is to specialise in helping people to develop their assertiveness, speaking skills, motivation and self confidence.
A few years ago Alan realised that some of these aspects of his own life could be improved – nothing too serious, just needing an overhaul and a bit of a tune up. This book explains how he did it.
It’s no rags to riches story. If he’d turned his life around and made a fortune, Alan would be off enjoying it and not writing self help books.
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