JennaKay Francis
JennaKay Francis has been writing since she was 12 years old. She has written in many different genres – science fiction, childrens, mainstream, poetry – but truly found her voice and love in fantasy. She writes fantasy adventure, fantasy romance, dark fantasy and children’s picture books.
Her first official publication was a children’s poem that was the Grand Prize winner in a contest sponsored by Half-Price Books. Her prize was a $500.00 gift certificate at Half Price Books: something she took great delight in spending. She has been published in several local newsletters, several print magazines, as well as numerous online magazines in both fiction and non-fiction.
Jenna lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, their three delightful children, two wild cats, a chihuahua that thinks he’s really a dog, one rat, one anole and a several tanks of tropical fish, frogs and newts. Oh, yeah, and a forest full of elves, fairies and magic.
JennaKay was also Writers Exchange’s Senior editor for many years.
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