John Schembra
John Schembra was born Jan. 3, 1948 and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.
He retired Feb. 2001 from a small northern California police department as a Sergeant after almost 30 years’ service.
Prior to becoming a police officer, he was a Military Policeman assigned for a year to the 557th MP Co., Long Binh, Bien Hoa, South Vietnam, where he had several “adventures” that provided the basis for his first novel, MP.
He has earned a B.A in Administration of Justice and an M.A in Public Administration. He spent his retirement time writing as well as teaching other police officers emergency vehicle operation/pursuit driving through the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office and Police Academy. He also instructs officers in the driving simulators, is a train the trainer for emergency vehicle/pursuit/ simulator instructors, and has been recognized as a Subject Matter Expert by the State of California in emergency vehicle operations/pursuit driving.
He has had several trade articles published in law enforcement magazines such as Law and Order, Police Officer’s Quarterly, and The Backup. He is also a member of the Police Writers Association, a very supportive writers’ group for anyone affiliated with any type of law enforcement organization.
In his spare time (what little there is) John enjoys reading, fishing, and most of all, spending time with his family.
John’s personal website is: http://www.jschembra.com
Everyone loves John’s books…
Author of:
A Vince Torelli Novel: MP – A Novel of Vietnam by John Schembra
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