Robin Helene Vogel
Robin Helene Vogel began her writing career as a plagiarist-at the age of six, she copied chapters from her favorite Bobbsey Twin novels and sold them door-to-door for a penny. This endeavor led to the desire to write original material, and she’s written articles and stories for GLAMOUR, LADY’S CIRCLE, WOMEN’S WORLD, NEWSDAY, WRITER’S DIGEST, MODERN ROMANCES, BEREAVEMENT and many other publications. She’s the author of two children’s bereavement books, “Rachel’s Star of David” and “The Snowman”, and contributed a chapter to THE CHILDREN’S BIRTHDAY PARTY BOOK. She’s married to Dan, a patient, devoted man who puts up with her bordering-on-insanity mood swings, and mother to Brad, a college student who has inherited her wicked sense of humor but is a heck of a lot smarter.
Since Dan, Robin and Brad all have diabetes, much of Robin’s time is spent writing articles on this illness and praying for a cure, especially for Type I diabetes, which requires her son to test his blood sugar and take daily insulin shots. She runs, walks, and begs for money to fund diabetes research, and fervently hopes to see a cure in her family’s future.
Author of:
A Heart Stopper Horror: Brad Simpson and the Ghostly Field by Robin Helene Vogel
A Heartstopper Horror: Felicity’s Curse by Robin Helene Vogel