Our Historical Authors
Historical Fiction: Blind Gods
Historical Mystery: The Adventures of Mycroft Holmes
CRISWELL, Sheryl Sturdevant (S.B.)
Young Adult, Historical (Holocaust): Strings
Regency Romance: Rowland Sisters Trilogy
Historical: American Civil War: Dance with the Devil
Historical: Running from Pa
Mid-Grade Reader/History: A Roman Tale
Westerns: Dangerous Ground and Other Old West Short Stories, Outlaws West, The River Series
Ancient Egypt: 3rd Dynasty: The Pyramid Builders Series
Ancient Egypt: 13th Dynasty – 16th Dynasties: Hyksos Series
Ancient Egypt: 18th Dynasty: The Amarnan Kings Series
Ancient Egypt: 19th Dynasty: Kadesh, Fall of the House of Ramesses Series
Ancient Egypt: 20th Dynasty: Strong is the Ma’at of Re Series
Nazi Germany: Ascension Series, We Came from Konigsberg
Mid-Grade Readers (Primary):
Historical: Catch Me If You Can,
War: A Vince Torelli Novel: MP – A Novel of Vietnam
Historical (Celtic): The Painted Lady
Historical: Mary Anne and Wilhelmina