Daphne Saxby Taylor
Daphne Saxby Taylor has always loved to write, in childhood making up stories to amuse herself, and in teen years writing poetry. She has written news, plays, skits and hymns for parish purposes where her husband Harry was rector. The experience of being journalist/editor for country weekly newspapers made her realise the power of the printed word.
On retirement she wrote her first Australian Historical novels, inspired by stories of her ancestors, all early settlers in Australia. She still writes poetry and has published Easy Reader books for adults, Children’s Picture Books, and books for new writers for use in her occasional seminars In her Children’s Picture Books she combines her writing and illustrating skills. She lives in the upper reaches ofthe Brisbane Valley, Queensland, Australia and has four daughters, eleven grandchildren and one great grandson.
“MARY ANNE” is her third Early Australian Historical Novel, and her first e-published Novel.
Her Novels are written under the name, Daphne Saxby Taylor – and her other works Daphne Taylor.
Daphne passed away in September 2018.
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