2019 Publisher News: May 2019, finished ebook overhaul!!
Hi all,
I thought it has been a LONG time since I updated everyone publicly on what we are doing at WEE, so I should write a quick blog post updating you all:)
Let’s see…
We finished the major ebook overhaul we had been working on for 2 years at the end of last year. Woo Hoo!!!
Now I have started on our print book overhaul🙂 A lot of our print books had very old interiors/covers, blurbs etc, and books they recommended at the back may not even exist anymore! The joy of being in business for nearly 20 years. We are also putting into print many books that have never made it to print because I was too busy with the ebooks and everything else.
You can see all our currently updated print book covers on our facebook album and of course on our website in the print book list, there are still a lot more to come!
Let’s see… we have made new graphics for our books up at Amazon:
Cover on a kindle if the book is only available in ebook format, 2 covers if the book is in ebook and print:)
We also have our own “shop” up at Amazon:
Hmmm, what else…
We are still doing new releases, but much more slowly RIGHT now while we get our content updates finished, we want to provide you with the best possible books! So that is our highest priority.
That being said, I have nearly finished editing Jennifer Hartz Heroes of the Horde, Book 2 so that will be out some time this month.
Right now I am also adding our books to Book Hub, and updating our books at Good Reads, man I had not realised I how long it has been since the books there had been updated, shame on me! And they will be going up at a few other reader sites in coming months too, feel free to suggest a good site that you like to visit!
You may have noticed I am trying to put out a blog post every day, whether it is a quote or something more substantial. So that’s been fun.
I plan on expanding this blog once the above stuff has been completed:) That will hopefully include guest posts by not just WEE authors, but others out there as well, including sharing author’s sales/giveaways etc so you can keep track of that too.
Well, that’s all I can think of right this minute, but I know there is more I am working on:)
So here’s to an awesome rest of 2019!!