Getting to know our authors: Karen Wiesner
Meet Writers Exchange Author, Karen Wiesner:
“I’m a lifelong reader. I remember nostalgically lazy days as a child, too young to have worldly cares, let alone responsibilities, opening a book and getting lost in the story. Flash-forward to adult life, and those moments of bliss curling up with a book are few and far between.
“Back when I was a new mother trying to juggle a full-time career as a published author, reading was something I did with my son every single day, but finding time to read on my own had become more of a chore with everything else I had to do in a day. What a sad commentary for a writer!
“On my son’s third birthday, I found he’d sneaked away from his own party to read the books he’d received as gifts. That precious moment taught me the lesson that reading is too important to dismiss, even with a packed life. Now, no matter what’s going on in my life, I have a book with me whether I’m traveling, eating, waiting, or in the loo. This simple strategy ensures that I get my blissful dose of reading every single day.”
Author of the Falcon’s Bend Mystery Series (and so much more)