Author Interview: Herb Marlow, Featured Author (2014: October)
This month we have Dr. Herb Marlow as our featured author, he currently has three books available up at WEE, with a fourth book being released in October.
Author Interview
Can you please tell us a bit about yourself that is not covered in your bio?
I have had a myriad of jobs/professions in my lifetime: Driving a truck and a forklift, selling real estate and insurance, being a cattle rancher in Oregon and Texas, writing stories and articles for national magazines, being a professional medical writer for an online magazine, having a twice weekly spot on a local TV station, visiting schools all over the US with a story-telling program, Sociology professor at a local college, presenting writer’s workshops for various writer’s clubs, traveling as an evangelist, pastoring churches, and more.
I hold a BS in Sociology and a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling. I am an ordained United Methodist minister (retired)
You mainly write Westerns – can you tell us what about that genre appeals to you, and how you first became a fan?
Actually, I write in many genres. I do like to write to write Westerns, but I also enjoy writing contemporary novels, children’s books and juvenile novels. Plus, I am a Civil War buff, and have a four volume historical fiction Civil War series to my credit, titled, “The Guns of the Civil War”. I have written several non-fiction books, including books on Attention Deficit Disorders, and Behavior Disorders.
Were there any books/tv shows etc that you found inspirational in your writing?
I learned to read very young, and have always loved reading. I usually read four or five books at a time, plus periodicals and other works. When I was ten I read the entire collection of Zane Grey Westerns, and I’ve been reading Westerns from that time forward.
Who are your favourite authors to read?
Louis L’Amour, Elmer Kelton, John Grisham, James Michener, Nevil Shute, Bruce Catton, John Brick
Is there anything you would like to tell readers about yourself, your work, books or writing in general?
I suppose I have to say that writing is such an integral part of me, that I can’t “not write”. Bad grammar, but oh, so true. I write every day, usually from very early in the morning until about ten a.m. After that, my muse takes a long nap. I write several books at a time, along with a couple of short stories. I learned to do this to overcome writer’s block, and it works very well.
Check out Herb’s Author page for purchasing information for all his books (both direct from the WEE site or from Amazon):
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