Hi all!

WEE has finished the making slideshows up at the blog – if you look to the left you can see all our current covers for Fantasy, Romance, Mystery and Science Fiction. We haven’t done our other genres, because it would make the page scroll down too far, but you know where to go if you want to find the rest of our books:)
WEE has also made some of our books exclusively for sale through Amazon. So far we only have about 20 books affected, basically this is a marketing experiment. All books are still up at WEE, but these books have a graphic that directs you straight to their Amazon book page if you wish to buy them.
Our book cover replacements… FINALLY we are nearly finished, after taking nearly a year we are down to under 20 books to go, and they will be replaced one at a time as their covers are completed. Which will leave me a lot more time for catching up on New Releases this year! I hope to really get our existing queue moving and then…

That’s right, some new blood in the last half of the year! If you are talking to any authors, tell them to look at our submission guidelines to know how to submit and look at our genre lists and see which ones have less than others, these are ones we would put a higher priority on. I am envisaging this will happen around June!
As per usual, submissions are never closed at WEE to our existing authors, so this is an opportunity for writers who have never been published with us.
And lastly <drum roll>….
Writers Exchange is trying something new… For those of you who have travelled this journey with me for the past 15 years, you will know trying new things is a constant:)
Writers Exchange books up on Amazon do not have enough reviews, and I want to change this.
So, when I found “Story Cartel” I was thrilled. This service allows you to put a book for free for three weeks for people to download, with the idea that the downloaders will write a review of the book.
So I decided to give it a try, our first book is Guardians of Glede: Beginnings Book 1: The Triskelion. I chose this one because if you like it, there is so much more to read, and, for the first time in a couple of years, a new book is scheduled for release VERY soon.
I hope lots of you download this book and put a review up at Amazon. If we get a good number of reviews, we will keep doing this, choosing different books every month to give away for free and all you have to do is write a review about the book to have earned it!
Here’s to a wonderful 2016!
Looking forward to adding author interviews and a lot more up here at the blog, so check in occasionally, as they won’t always be announced with a blog post.
Sandy Cummins