Author Interview: JennaKay Francis, Featured Fantasy and Fantasy Romance Author
Greetings. I am a writer of fantasy fiction. All sorts of fantasy, from action adventure to sweet romance to paranormal.
I started working on my action series (The Guardians of Glede) about 20 years ago, maybe more. I had one small child at home, another on the way, and dabbled in writing at that time. I attended conferences, went to workshops, joined a critique group, etc. And I started writing. Well, not really started. Let me back up a bit.
I actually wrote my first book when I was 11. I was in the 6th grade and we had an assignment to write about an animal. We also had to illustrate the book. I chose a clam. Yeah, I don’t know why either. I did the illustrations in water color, all under the ocean and wavy and such. A clam is pretty easy to draw. So was his best friend – a starfish. The mermaid and the merman were a little harder, but I managed. 🙂
My teacher’s words were so kind, so encouraging, that I thought maybe I could write more. And I did. I wrote all kinds of little things, about everything. At the time my favorite show was Star Trek (yeah, of the Captain Kirk variety) and so I would write stories in which I was featured along with the crew of the Enterprise. My best friend was into westerns and wrote herself into those stories. I even wrote a science fiction book – yes, a complete book – when I was 15 and submitted it to Doubleday. Of course, it was rejected, but the rejection was nice and encouraged e further. It was all great fun.
I kept writing after school. I majored in English with an emphasis on Creative Writing in college. It was there that I first got an inkling that I was heading down the fantasy road. I wrote three chapters of a book for a class assignment and received nice critiques on it. More encouragement. And I was off.
I started The Triskelion when I saw a picture of the medallion in an encyclopaedia. I thought it was such a cool emblem. I knew I wanted to do something with it. So, I started writing about it. The first book of the Guardians of Glede series was on its way.
But nothing is easy. It took me many years of starts and stops. But I kept on going and one night I had an epiphany. Truly, I did. And the first book came out in its entirety in less than a week. I never intended to write more than that book, but one became two and two became three and, well, it just kept going. During the writing of the “saga”, I also wrote a few romances, then a few paranormal books. And the picture books, just for fun.
Then the internet happened. I was hooked. I started publishing short stories in little on-line magazines – for free. It was fun. For the first time, more than my critique group was seeing my work. Then a challenge – would I write a romance and let a new ebook publishing house publish it? Sure. Why not? I had never done romance, but thought I might give it a try. It became a fantasy romance by the name of Free Spirit.
Free Spirit has gone through several rewrites over the years. It’s been with several different publishers over the years, as small houses came and went and came again. It’s still one of my favorite books, too, one that I personally enjoy reading over and over. I really don’t know why, but there you have it.
At the moment, I am working on yet another Glede book, plus a few stand alones. I don’t write with the speed I used to. Mostly because there is so much to do and see and read and write about on the internet. Much like this blog. That all takes time. And I’ve become interested in crafting as well. That also takes some of my time.
Still, I love to write, love to think up stories my head. And when I am not writing, I find my dreams to be very lucid and full of adventure. Something is telling me that I need to put pen to paper yet again, and find the words of my own stories.
Check out JennaKay’s Author page for purchasing information for all her books (both direct from the WEE site or from Amazon):
Hello, JennaKay- You were the editor for my first book, M.P. and my second, Retribution. Since I had no clue as to what I was doing, you were a terrific help in getting them in a proper state. I really appreciated it, as my readers have often told me how much they enjoyed them.
Interesting to read about your background, as my first “book” was a story about a fish- yep, we got that nautical thing goin’- entitiled Larry Bubblebones (what can you expect from an 10 year old. I, too was greatly encouraged by my teacher- bless her- to continue writing and reading. Perhaps that early encouragement was more important than I realized?
Anyway, keep up the good work and thanks again for your editing skills!
Thanks for the comments, John! I appreciate feedback from those whose books I’ve edited.
I have a love/hate relationship with the sea. I am convinced that I drowned as a sailor in another life. LOL