2020 Publisher News: June – May’s Merch Store and pretty books!
What’s on in June
Merch Stores!
We spent all of May making our Merch Stores (book-themed for booklovers), as of June 4 we have 7 designs on clothing and home decor. You can find the shop in our right-hand navigation bar. We also have the same designs (but in some cases slightly different products) at TeeSpring and Red Bubble as well.
Here are our designs to date (I won’t be updating this all the time with our new range as it expands:)
Beautiful Books!
We also have been adding pretty ornamentation to our books (a work in progress), so now instead of the boring * * * for scene breaks you have lovely graphics that work in ebook and print. We have also cleaned up some formatting issues–drop caps don’t always display properly in ebook, but look great in our print so we changed our ebook design–plus other bits and pieces, that make the interior of our ebooks and print just look that much better.
Back to Genres!
With the above and other “behind the scenes boring stuff” we were a bit overwhelmed, so I took a bit of a break from the blog, new book releases and social media for the month. But we are ready to get back to it this month! I don’t know that we have a lot of books in our queue that actually fit this month’s theme, but we will certainly find images online to celebrate the spooky paranormal! Since we currently have very few articles on the subject for the month we will highlight some of our existing paranormal books for your enjoyment, so stay tuned for that!
Call for Articles:
So if you are a writer and might be interested in writing for us, we need articles for paranormal this month (so need it fast!) History for next month and Fantasy for August.