Hello Everyone!!
This has been a great month!
We have released a few books, we have been getting some awesome covers, I have found some online tools for social media (my pinterest page actually has stuff on it now!) and image manipulation, that I have been having a whale of a time with!
As someone who is artistically challenged, with a husband and daughter who are incredibly talented in that area, art has long been a sore point for me (my art, not theirs). Well, with picmonkey I can do all sorts of things with existing images and it has been so much fun!
So here’s what I have been doing….
Writers Exchange’s Facebook page now gets a daily quote – an image with text provided by me. I am adding them to this blog post, but for any more you will need to follow the facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Writers.Exchange🙂
I have just started our yearly Christmas “20% off” sale up at the WEE site ( – ends 31 December, so you can use any gift certificates given for Christmas <which you can buy here:> for 6 days and get the 20% extra value!
So while starting the Christmas theme, I made this Christmas wish for all my website visitors, and blog subscribers:
Our new covers are nearly finished, though we had a hiccup and are having to redo all Jennifer St. Clair’s book covers, which includes “A Beth-Hill Novel” universe 🙁
These covers that are being replaced are currently in the slideshow in the footer of this blog. The new covers are even better in my opinion and I hope you all agree when we get all of them back from the artist and put them in the slideshow!
In conjunction with my attempt to do more on social media, WEE will be trying to do more on twitter too, so please forgive any newbie mistakes:)
As per last month’s News, the following has not been forgotten: “We really want to turn this blog into something exciting so we will be adding a lot more content over the next few months. Interviews that have been done with our authors over the years, free short stories that aren’t available anywhere else, and when I get a moment to breathe we will be thinking up competitions too! I am hoping some of our more successful writers will share writing advice as well.”
So here’s to more exciting developments in the next few months, oh, and new books too! <grin>