Publisher News: What’s been happening mid 2021
Hi all!
You may be wondering what’s been happening with WEE, as we have not been doing tonnes of new releases, but have we been busy behind the scenes!
Firstly, due to Amazon being particularly awful to deal with recently, we are removing all our books from being sold from them exclusively, and are making new versions to sell everywhere!
Since we have to reformat the books–funnily enough, other retailers don’t want any mention of Amazon–we have been adding lovely Chapter heading decorations and updating a lot of our ebook and print covers as we go (and adding some books in print for the first time ever!)
As the books become available through Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Kobo and Angus & Robertson (for those in Australia, like me), we are adding the new purchasing links to our book pages, along with the link to our distributor’s book page that adds new retailers automatically as they expand distribution networks.
All of these sites have our ebooks. Print is also being distributed to other retailers, but since it is so new, I am not sure which sites will carry our print books. It may be a case of them being available upon request, so feel free to request far and wide! 🙂
You will notice the addition of the Barnes and Noble “Writers Exchange Store” in our right-hand navigation (or if you look at this on the phone down the bottom if you scroll for ages 🙂 This is a listing of all our books at B&N in one search result. We would have made one for other retailers, but they don’t allow a search by publisher 🙁
We are also adding our books for sale directly from this website!! They are available in epub, mobi and pdf. If you purchase here, you should get directions for immediate download. Please let me know if you have any problems, as this is a new system for us. (email “support @ writers-exchange . com” [removing the spaces])
This also gives us the freedom to do give-aways, coupons and specials that we couldn’t do before, so look for that in our future after we have finished updating all our books and putting them here on the site. So far we have completed over 90 books, so just another 400+ to go!
We have also done some tweaking to our look. We have changed our header because we updated the Writers Exchange logo, and we have also gone back to the blue background, as the brown just looked bleh on social media posts 🙂
And speaking of social media, we paused doing our daily posts while I concentrated on these major changes, but I plan to start again as of today. Though I will want to promote our updated books first.
Our posts will include book-themed graphics: book memes, author quotes (not just our authors), book review quotes (our books), book covers with their blurbs, print covers, new articles on the blog etc.
and non-book related: funny quotes, inspirational quotes, Bible quotes.
I also want to get our articles up here on the blog happening regularly again, so keep an eye out for that:) If you want to get notified when posts and articles come out, links to all our social media are below:
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us in this time of transition, and we look forward to seeing you online!