Reviews for Sterling Lakes Series, Book 1: Light of the Heart by Regina Andrews

Amazon Reviews

Sterling Lakes Series, Book 1: Light of the Heart covers


5 stars!5.0 out of 5 stars

An Awesome Romance!

I enjoyed reading Regina Andrews’ outstanding debut novel, Light of the Heart, in her Sterling Lakes Series about the talented stained glass artist Cascade Preston and project manager Dan McQuay. Andrews has created wonderful characters and a lively, interesting plot in Book One. Cascade’s unhappy childhood gave her a strong reason for not wanting to return to Sterling Lakes to design and make stained glass windows for St. Luke’s Church. Fortunately, her cousin and employee, Abby, turns a bid in for the job and forges Cascade’s name. Abby realizes Cascade needs to face her past, even though it will be painful. Dan also has personal problems that must be resolved so he can move on to have a happier life.

The scenes are remarkable where Cascade visits the women in Tanglewood Women’s Prison and gives them positive feedback on their stained glass assignments. It adds a depth to the character I appreciated. On one particular visit, the women in prison accuse Cascade of holding the church renovation up by refusing to do the stained glass job. As she leaves the prison, Cascade realizes she might be in her own personal prison.

I love Ms. Andrews’ writing, and I’m sure Book Two in the Sterling Lakes Series will be another great story to enjoy.

Diane Craver

5 stars!5.0 out of 5 stars

An unexpected delight!

I don’t typically read this genre. Full disclosure, the author is a dear friend and I wanted to support her publication. Early into the book, I found myself not wanting to put it down. The characters are easy to relate to and the story has a perfect balance of romance, mystery, and intrigue, not to mention descriptions of cities and towns in New England where I have spent much of my life. It was easy to imagine each scene and the kind-hearted characters that remind us of life’s most important lessons. Download your own copy and get whisked away to Sterling Lakes, right now!

Danni Boston

5 stars!5.0 out of 5 stars

Love wins out.

Light of the Heart by Regina Andrews is a wonderful story of two people, Cascade and Dan, who find each other. They both have issues from the past. This requires them to take a leap of faith but it is especially difficult for Cascade. She is a stained-glass artist and her career takes off.
She meets Dan at her old home place, Sterling Lakes, where she is contracted to do the glass in St. Luke’s church. Dan is a construction worker there. We come to love these two characters as we follow them at Sterling Lakes. Can Cascade get past her unforgiving attitude toward those of Sterling Lakes for not helping her in the past?
To me, the key answer was given by her friend, Tina. It made Cascade think and will make anyone think of their own life situations and reassess their feelings toward others whom they think have been neglectful.
Ms. Andrews has crafted a thought provoking story of sweet romance, faith, trust in each other, appreciation for others problems and trust in God. I highly recommend this first book of the Sterling Lakes Series.

Larry Hammersley

5 stars!5.0 out of 5 stars

Will Light up Your Heart

Cascade Preston is a stained-glass artist who struggles to overcome an awful childhood and trust in men. She doesn’t want anything to do with the town she grew up in when she’s sought to complete the stained-glass project to remodel an old church in Sterling Lakes. Cascade encounters the project manager, Dan McQuay, and though she’s attracted and single, she turns down the job and makes up her mind to forget his blue eyes until the ladies at the prison where she volunteers make her think twice. They throw a guilt trip on her, and she ends up wanting to do the windows for the church when she visits the site and thinks they’ve gotten another artist.

The beauty of this book is in the method the author uses to convey God’s light in the heart and entwine it with the light that filters through stained glass windows in a church. Dan McQuay makes it his business to not get involved until he’s entwined in the rays of light Cascade throws his way and he opens his heart to God’s light. When they both open their hearts to the stained-glass window project, God works in both.

At first Cascade has to face her fear of Dan’s leaving like usual when he completes a job. Then, she’s offered a big contract and must go to New York if she wants to follow her dreams. Will she marry Dan or follow her dreams and be the one who does the leaving? She feels like she’s sold her soul when she flies to New York and signs that big contract. She must search her conflicted heart, and she’s so confused she doesn’t know what is the right thing to do. Can she face living in Sterling Lakes again, the town she grew up in and hates? Is it possible for God to change her heart about Sterling Lakes and the people who live there, if she lets the light filter in through those stained glass windows? Can she trust Dan not to leave her?

I bought this book, read it, and loved it. If you want to read a beautiful book with a filtered-light story, this is the one. And you won’t want to miss what happens when Cascade must face her fear of the water when the canoe tips over during a sudden storm.

J. Robinson


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