Reviews for Mischief in Moonstone Series, Novella 1: When Rudolph was Kidnapped by Christine DeSmet
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This story tugs at the heart of many Christmas celebrations, the children. Through a class of bright-eyed children, older generations find new meaning in community celebrations and traditions.
~Di for Love Romances
Rating 4 lighthouses
When her pet reindeer, Rudolph, is stolen from the live animal holiday display in her small town, teacher Crystal Hagan has a big problem. Her students fear that Christmas will be canceled. The prime suspect is old man Henri LeBarron, who played Santa long ago before he became a recluse. Crystal marches to his mansion known as the “North Pole” and meets Henri’s son, Peter, who acts even more curmudgeonly and secretive than his father. To her shock, he admits to kidnapping Rudolph and he won’t give him back. Peter LeBarron finds his lonely existence charmed by the first-grade teacher who comes to his door with homemade chocolate pudding cake as a bribe for getting her reindeer back peaceably. This isn’t the type of woman he’s used to in his jet-set world. But is she the type of woman he can trust with the secrets of the “North Pole” and his own past?
Well written, enjoyable story, which kept me guessing almost to the end as to who the real kidnapper was.
~ Lighthouse Literary Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Dollycas’s Thoughts Superior, Wisconsin may feel like the North Pole
Superior, Wisconsin may feel like the North Pole, so the residents of this little town led my first-grade teacher, Crystal Hagan, do all they can to celebrate Christmas in a big way. It starts with a live nativity featuring Crystal’s own reindeer named Rudolph. It takes place in front of a huge mansion, which the children believe is the “North Pole”. But this year Rudolph is stolen from its spot in the manger. The children are upset because Santa can’t come without Rudolph. Crystal believes the owner of the mansion has stolen her pet, and his son admits it! He promises the reindeer will be returned if his father’s demands are met. This leads to some interesting negotiations and activities including Crystal’s first graders.
This story is perfect for a Hallmark holiday movie.
Mayhem and toe-curling romance abound in this little town on chilly Lake Superior.
The characters span all generations. Crystal meets Peter while looking for her missing reindeer. She can’t believe his father, a man who used to dress up as Santa, would take her reindeer, but the man has changed over the years, and even more just over the past few weeks. Peter has left the warmth of his Arizona home to try to figure out why his dad is selling his home and his business. All the characters are realistic and with being a novella we need to get to know them fast. The author does a wonderful job of bringing them to life.
A missing reindeer is a cute little mystery. The mayhem that takes place leading up to getting him back is heartwarming and at times really funny.
The romance, again because of the length of the story also happens quickly but not easily.
Ms. DeSmet has crafted a wonderful Christmas story. It helped to get me into the Christmas spirit and may become an annual read. Seriously Hallmark…movie, I am just saying. 🙂
~ Lori Caswell/Dollycas