Roy W. Penn
Roy W. Penn’s real name is William Roy Penning (you can probably see where he derived the pseudonym from!). William was born in 1957 in Washington, DC to military parents and moved around until he was about two years old, at which time his father retired and the family settled down for a few years in Indiana, where his sister Cheryl was born. When William was four, the family moved to Eagle River, Wisconsin, where he grew up.
Living in the Northwoods made a nature lover out of William, and to this day he loves to go camping and hiking in the wilderness. After finishing undergraduate school he moved to Arizona to pursue a graduate degree, and fell in love with the West. Every few years he takes an extended trip through the Arizona mountains, along the Pacific Coast, and over to the forests and national parks of Montana and Wyoming.
Although William grew up in a churchgoing family, it wasn’t until he was 17 that he came to a true understanding of the Gospel and committed his life to Jesus Christ. After nine and a half years of college, studying physics and astronomy, he concluded that although he enjoyed the subject matter, he wanted to find something more meaningful to do with his life. A few years later he joined Wycliffe Bible Translators, and after going through training ended up in Brazil working as a computer consultant and technician.
William has always had an active imagination and has dabbled in writing since childhood. Fueled by Star Trek, sci-fi movies and a voracious appetite for reading, he always went the extra mile whenever his school class was given a writing assignment in any science-related area. During his college years he made several attempts to write full-length novels, but never actually tried to get them published. When he went to Brazil he found plenty of other things to keep him occupied for the first several years.
Nevertheless, after he was settled in and began to have some spare time, the writing bug returned. He wrote a couple of short stories “just for fun”. Then he remembered a story idea that he had had many years earlier and decided to make a serious attempt to bring it to life. The end result was EvilSpace.
Today, William continues his work in Brazil. He is working on a couple more short stories and another full-length novel. At this point he plans to continue with Wycliffe in Brazil, but as long as story ideas keep coming, he also plans to keep on writing.