Prynne's Island 3d cover

Prynne’s Island by Claralice Hanna Wolf

Adam Prynne lives in a world beset by ambition, greed and class distinctions. The Red Prophet has planted a seed of vision and authority inside him that allows Adam to think differently than his peers….

Publisher News October 2021

Publisher News: What’s been happening mid 2021

Hi all!   You may be wondering what’s been happening with WEE, as we have not been doing tonnes of new releases, but have we been busy behind the scenes!   Firstly, due to Amazon…

Running from Pa 3d cover

Running from Pa by Frances Evlin

At her dying mother’s plea, fourteen-year-old Lulie flees Missouri to escape her lecherous Pa. It’s 1847 and she joins a wagon train bound for Oregon. Pa joins a following wagon train, intending to taunt her…

Sealed in Blood 2 covers

Sealed in Blood by Margaret L. Carter

Science fiction conventions attract some strange people, but Sherri Hudson never expected to spend a con weekend helping a sexy man in a cape steal photos of a winged alien. When the photographer is murdered…

Shadows of Mallachrom, Book 1: Blue Fire 3d cover

Shadows of Mallachrom, Book 1: Blue Fire by Michelle Levigne

Far on the edge of settled space, the colony world Mallachrom is mostly wilderness. Years ago, during an invasion by the alien Talroqi, many adults were killed while most of the children vanished, spirited away…

Shadows of Mallachrom, Book 2: That Synching Feeling 3d cover

Shadows of Mallachrom, Book 2: That Synching Feeling by Michelle Levigne

Far on the edge of settled space, the colony world Mallachrom is mostly wilderness. Years ago, during an invasion by the alien Talroqi, many adults were killed while most of the children vanished, spirited away…

Shadows of Mallachrom, Book 3: Starblue 3d cover

Shadows of Mallachrom, Book 3: Starblue by Michelle Levigne

Far on the edge of settled space, the colony world Mallachrom is mostly wilderness. Years ago, during an invasion by the alien Talroqi, many adults were killed while most of the children vanished, spirited away…

Sherry Sharples 3d cover

Sherry Sharples by Margaret Pearce

(ebooks are available from all sites, and print is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble) Chapter 1 “I‘m not going to be disposed of like an unwanted piece of garbage,” Sherry stormed. She pointed…

Stories from the Vale: Gifts of the Elven 3d cover

Stories from the Vale Series: Gifts of the Elven by Kathy Ann Trueman

Generations ago, ships full of refugees from a vast war accidentally blew into a narrow, sheltered harbor between the cliffs of two mountain ranges. The people called the vast and fertile valley beyond the harbor…

Strong is the Ma'at of Re Ancient Egyptian Series by Max Overton boxed set

Strong is the Ma’at of Re Ancient Egyptian Series by Max Overton

In Ancient Egypt, C1200 BCE, bitter contention and resentment, secret coups and assassination attempts may decide the fate of those who would become legends…by any means necessary.   Book 1: The King That he is…

Strong is the Ma'at of Re, Book 1: The King 3d cover

Strong is the Ma’at of Re, Book 1: The King, A Novel of Ancient Egypt by Max Overton

In Ancient Egypt, C1200 BCE, bitter contention and resentment, secret coups and assassination attempts may decide the fate of those who would become legends…by any means necessary.   That he is descended from Ramesses the…

Strong is the Ma'at of Re, Book 2: The Heirs 3d covers

Strong is the Ma’at of Re, Book 2: The Heirs, A Novel of Ancient Egypt by Max Overton

In Ancient Egypt, C1200 BCE, bitter contention and resentment, secret coups and assassination attempts may decide the fate of those who would become legends…by any means necessary. Tiye, the first wife of Ramesses III, has…

Strong is the Ma'at of Re, Book 3: The One of Taweret 3d cover

Strong is the Ma’at of Re, Book 3: The One of Taweret, A Novel of Ancient Egypt by Max Overton

In Ancient Egypt, C1200 BCE, bitter contention and resentment, secret coups and assassination attempts may decide the fate of those who would become legends…by any means necessary.   The reign of Ramesses III is failing…

Teeny Tiny Mouse ebook cover with logo

Teeny Tiny Mouse by Helen Ksypka

Do you want your child to learn the concept of opposites? Teeny Tiny Mouse makes opposites easy to understand. Are you looking for a story with a touch of suspense? Teeny Tiny Mouse is scooped…

The Convertible Couch 3d cover

The Convertible Couch by Margaret Pearce

  Chapter 1   Benjamin Bateman, known to friends and enemies as Beebie, scuffed his feet and squirmed. Other kids whispered, shuffled, clattered pens and rulers, and opened and shut books. In exactly ten minutes…

The Elephant Waits Ebook cover

The Elephant Waits by Janette Brazel

Wilma is waiting for something. But she’s keeping it a secret. The other jungle animals want to know what she is waiting for. “She’s waiting for a parcel from the queen,” says Fruity. “She’s waiting…

The Faery Sickness 3d cover

The Faery Sickness by JennaKay Francis

Vala Kalei was saved from death by the fae but condemned by her own neighbors. When she goes to the faery realm and retrieves the babies that have been dying, she opens up another world…

The Islands of the Sixteen Gods boxed set

The Islands of the Sixteen Gods Series by Stephen Symons

All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and uneventful life in their native village, at the very last walking together hand in hand through the…

The Islands of the Sixteen Gods, Book 1: The Amulet of the Hunter God 3d cover

The Islands of the Sixteen Gods, Book 1: The Amulet of the Hunter God by Stephen Symons

All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and uneventful life in their native village, at the very last walking together hand in hand through the…

The Islands of the Sixteen Gods, Book 2: Beloved of the River Goddess 3d cover

The Islands of the Sixteen Gods, Book 2: Beloved of the River Goddess by Stephen Symons

All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and uneventful life in their native village, at the very last walking together hand in hand through the…