Can you Smell Burning 3d cover updated 2023

Can You Smell Burning? by Karen Fainges

Ever had one of those days when your car is nearly totalled by a flying cow and the only clothing you can find during a house fire is an old robe that doesn’t close in…

Comic Relief: How Humorous Books Can Relieve Stress and Boost Mood vertical

Comic Relief: How Humorous Books Can Relieve Stress and Boost Mood

From a Reader’s Perspective   In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an almost inevitable part of daily life. From demanding work schedules to personal challenges, the need for effective stress relief is more important…

Tarmac Tales 3d cover updated 2023

Tarmac Tales by Wendy and Dave Laing

In this fact-based collection of experiences in the airline and travel industries gathered by authors with a combined fifty-two years working in all capacities of the business, you’ll be given a behind-the-scenes look at the…