Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica 3d cover updated 2023

Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica by Max Overton

(ebooks are available from all sites, and print is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and some from Angus and Robertson)   Preface   A bearded man with dreadlocks stepped out in front of me…

Max Overton, featured author

Author Interview: Max Overton, Featured Author (2014: December)

Our featured author this month is WEE’s best-selling author. Max Overton has written a lot of books in various genres, but it is his Historical novels that have been really popular.  In fact, his Ancient…

Hyksos Series, Book 5: War in the South, A Novel of Ancient Egypt 3 cover

Hyksos Series, Book 5: War in the South, A Novel of Ancient Egypt by Max Overton

The power of the kings of the Middle Kingdom have been failing for some time, having lost control of the Nile Delta to a series of Canaanite kings who ruled from the northern city of…