3D Fiction Fundamentals Series, Volume 5: CPR for Dead or Lifeless Fiction 3d cover

3D Fiction Fundamentals Collection, Volume 6: CPR for Dead or Lifeless Fiction: A Writer’s Guide to Deep and Multifaceted Development and Progression of Characters, Plots, and Relationship bys Karen S. Wiesner

Characters: Do your characters have no obvious signs of life, nothing that gives them unique personality, perspective, and passion?   Plots: Are plots and conflicts created spur of the moment with no set up, build…

Cool Off The Hot Seat! Tips for 'Acing' Your Job Interview 3d cover updated 2023

Cool Off The Hot Seat! Tips for ‘Acing’ Your Job Interview By Rebecca Rothman McCoy

Your interviewer is staring you down from across his desk and the butterflies in your stomach are more active than Hitchcock’s Birds. Your palms are sweating, your heart is racing, and the worst-case scenario is…