2019 Publisher News: January
Hi all!
I know it has been a while since you have heard from me directly (excluding new release notifications) but that is because I have been SOOOO busy!
Late last year we finished our ebook upgrades to all our books, including picture books now made for Kindle at Amazon, new covers for some of our books (mostly Mid-Grade readers) and latest formatting:)
December/January I have been head-down working on our print books! Updating all our old ones to the latest versions, updating covers, and better still getting some books out in print for the very first time!! So far we have done just over 90 books (all of which have their covers pinned at pinterest here: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Time-Travellers3.html and listed at WEE on this page🙂 We still have a fair few to go which will keep me busy all February at least, but after that I will be turning my attention to this blog!
That’s right, I hope to have author interviews, articles, short stories etc from a lot of our authors PLUS opening it up to outside authors as well so you will have more content to enjoy.
We have also added a few new authors to our ranks:)
Deborah Nolan (first book yet to be released)
Well, I had better get back to finishing those print books, just wanted you to know we are still here improving our product for you, and organising new content to come.
Sandy Cummins
Writers Exchange E-Publishing
PS. Have you noticed our new-look blog? We changed the colour scheme to match the new website, including our logo in most places… 🙂